Help with SEO stragegy! Which keyword would produce the best results for my business?
My company does business development; everything from webdesign and marketing to research and consulting.
For example from the following 2 keywords (assume I can get the same rank on page 1 for either):
What concerns me is that with the higher searched keyword would a lot of the searches be people looking for marketing jobs in new york rather than to purchase marketing services? So essentially those people would leave the site and hurt my score right?
Any thoughts on this?
Open Feb 15, 2013 - 03:23 AM
SEO tools tips company
Voted Best Answer
Feb 15, 2013 - 03:35 AM
When choosing keywords, it is best to use long-tailed keyword phrases, say, with around 3-5 words. This makes your keyword specific and targeted, narrowing down the competition to a decent number.
When you search through the keyword tool, do not forget to choose the "exact match" option, as this will provide more specific results that are geared towards your chosen keywords. Also, do no just look at the global monthly searches, look at the competition, whether it's low, medium, or high. Choose keywords with medium to low competition, and global monthly searches to between 8,000 to 15,000. This way, you'll have a decent number of competitors and browsers, which means that your site will get noticed, but not drowned out by competitors either.
If you wish to look at keyword research software, you could always try Cyber Niche Finder and Market Samurai. But I believe there's a certain fee for these ones.
Feb 15, 2013 - 03:48 AM
Online reputation managment (ORM) is extremely important these days.
Try BrandsEye. It’s a tool that tracks your name/brand online.
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