Hello everyone. Any idea why do people still use AOL?
I have found gmail carrying more features with great services. i don't understand why my cousin still uses an AOL?
Open Oct 17, 2017 - 09:45 PM
AOL, gmail
May 01, 2019 - 02:59 AM
Your cousin probably used AOL mail. AOL is a free email provider that is owned by Verizon. AOL (the tradition version) was phased out years ago. AOL IM (instant messaging) was shut down last year I believe.
Perhaps your cousin wants to keep his email address so he doesn't have to go and change it at every place he's registered it. It's often difficult to remember all the websites/services you signed up for - and if you ever need to reset your password - you will need access to your email.
Honestly, your cousin should probably just create a Google (Gmail) account too. There is nothing wrong with having two email addresses. If he is lucky he can try to use the same username at Gmail as he has for AOL.
May 20, 2019 - 12:06 AM
People Still use AOL because it is cheap and in some countries it is absolutely free.
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