
May 09, 2013 - 02:37 AM

May 12, 2013 - 11:09 AM

Jun 18, 2013 - 11:57 PM
There are large number of provider available with free hosting,but from the truth is free domain and hosting are not reliable for business website and have some
1)Limited web page space,Can't add interactive features (chat rooms, message boards, games, online ordering etc.).
2)No branded emails addresses ( Poor help and support options.
3)Search engines often ignore them,and your visitors may doubt your credibility.
4)Long and hard-to-remember web address (instead of no guarantees of site availability and longevity.
And this free web host are not free for ever .So instead of using a free service you can find a cheap hosting service.I would like to suggest you the site as they are providing the hosting service at low cost with 99.9% server up time and 24/7 customer support.
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