How is Digg Swarm done?
I am wanting to create an online tool like digg swarm , where the front end is flash, and the backend is a database. What are the skill sets and tools required to make something like this. And can it be done with RSS data?
Open Aug 28, 2006 - 02:27 PM
AJAX with .NET, Web Design, AJAX, web development, Flash, RSS
Sep 03, 2006 - 01:06 PM
Creating a Flash frontend is not relly trivial but it can be done. What you first need to know is wether you want the data to be streamed or to be periodically pulled from the server. Periodical pulls can be done using classic HTTP backends while streaming (may) require you to set up a specialised daemon (that you need to code yourself). RSS Feeds are probably only applicable to the pull modell and all modern aggregators use it in fact. If you want to stream data that comes from RSS Feeds you might need to first aggregate them and stream them afterwards with your application. On the flash side I can't really help you, but getting the serverside done is the first thing to do, afterwards you may even be able to provide an alternative interface to your application (Ajax or Web 1.0 like).
Hope this gives you a small overview of things that need to be considered ^^
Sep 03, 2006 - 05:46 PM
Thanx alot, I appreciate the help on this.
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