Is there a source out there that will automatically write and send checks on a monthly basis?
I am looking to have a monthly payment go out automatically, but I need it to be actual checks and not an electronic transfer. Do any of you guys know a source for that. I've looked at my bank but it seems that they will only do an electronic transfer which is great, but wont serve my purposes right now. I need someone to actually write and mail out the checks but I dont want to do it.
Open Jan 01, 2007 - 09:41 AM
payment, checks, automated, payments
Jan 03, 2007 - 11:49 PM
Wachovia Bank, I found, can actually accomplish this through their system called "Billpay". You can post a person or company and their address, and then set up how much you would like to send to them on what date. It also gives you the option to send a consistent payment out monthly, weekly, daily, etc.
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