I have new notebook i do have my emails in my desktop (microsoft outlook) how do i transfer my emai
I have bought new notebook i do have my emails in my desktop (microsoft outlook) how do i transfer my all emails to my new laptop (alos have microsft outlook)
please answer me step by step
Thanks a lot in advance
Open Jun 14, 2007 - 08:37 PM
Microsoft, Laptop, outlook
Jun 15, 2007 - 04:11 AM
I assume you have version 2002 onwards? and that you have stored your emails in your personal folder (pst file). Prior to v2002, format is different.
In outlook, if you right click on Personal Folders, select Properties, a dialog box opens up. Click on Advanced and it should show you the path of your pst file.
Take this pst file onto your new laptop, open outlook, click on File/Import and Export then select Import from another program or file.
When u do that, select Personal Folder File (pst), click Next then browse to that pst file
Just follow the wizard
You can also export your current personal folder and import it another way instead of using the PST file. File/Import and Export gives you all the export options
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