Jul 02, 2007 - 02:04 AM
Can I suggest you run spyware checks. Good free one's include the one from AVG
What is the suffix of the movie, is it actually .avi? What software are you using to play it, is it Windows Media Player?
If its a downloaded movie you need to be careful as there are always pratts who like to add in the odd spyware/malware etc.
If spyware suggests deleting that file then I would let it delete it. Better to be safe than sorry.
Jul 02, 2007 - 02:10 AM
check out gspot it tells u info about the avi. It will soon tell you if its a proper file or not!
I have lots of codecs to play movies, the ones I use are k-lite mega codec pack
comes with media player classic which I use to play some types of files. The rest I use windows media player.
Jul 02, 2007 - 09:34 AM
Aug 07, 2007 - 07:15 PM
is it real it cant b played .... isn't there anyway to fix this...
i returned to the torrent page & posted a comment about the whole prob
plz if any1 could solve it email me on
Aug 08, 2007 - 01:08 PM
if it doesnt play then file is crap. Download another version
if u use mininova or piratebay, check out those threads with comments
and I suggest you dont post your email, you dont want unnecessary emails coming along now do you?
Aug 14, 2007 - 06:33 AM
The identity of the owner of the 3wplayer domain has been kept secret through a domainsByProxy service. It is not hard to imagine who desires the demise of the P2P revolution though --> MPAA
Aug 16, 2007 - 04:57 AM
It is a clean software without any spyware or adware. I hope this info will help.
Aug 20, 2007 - 08:15 PM
Sep 03, 2007 - 08:28 PM
As a solution, I and a friend wrote a "3W-Decoder" that takes the beginning crap off of the video so it is once again playable on any player.
It is a very simple to use program that you "Select the 3wPlayer" file and it will remove the gayness and allow you to watch the video.
The biggest problem is that I have found that dozens of the files are all the same movie.... For instance.... I downloaded 9 copies of the movie SHOOTER(2007) that were named with titles of other movies. One is some stupid German Language Movie that appears to be "HELL" in the title but everything is Deutch.
Not one of the movies I have downloaded is actually what the file name is. they are not at all legit. Just as good to delete them.
If you would like a copy of the decoder just to see what you got...
or email me at
Sep 21, 2007 - 01:42 AM
Sep 30, 2007 - 10:03 AM
Oct 02, 2007 - 08:52 AM
Keparski , Norton, and CalmWin(Linux Antivirus) will pick up the trojan virus in it, They dont even get all the adware, These guys are making new adware programs weekly it looks like, so you get new stuff that is not yet discovered by many Adware programs.
I think Calmwin will give you a free PC scan, The entire antivirus is free because it is Open Source,
It should get rid of your TROJAN and some adware... Go to the Calmwin website, and try the free scan,
What the trojan is.... A trojan is a Resident memory program that opens a port in the TCP/IP Protocol (Works through most firewalls) that then allows autonomous or automatic downloads to come to your PC, In this case, I bet it will be MORE ADWARE. Over time you will begin accumulating more and more Adware till your PC becomes unbarably slow. This will eventually result in a Format or System Recovery.
I got many of these details from the Symantec Online Threat Library, WinZix, HTTP LOP Adware, and 3wPlayer are all detected by Norton Antivirus and are listed on the threat library with details.
I noticed a folder that was also created under my PC named "Stop Barbed Dog" Its a RANDOM NAME GENERATED it will be diffrent on all PCs
Go to C:\
Doccuments and Settings
Michael (My User Name, Click on your User name that Installed the Program)
Application Data
There will be a weird generated folder under it, with atleast 4 or 5 single file adware programs copied under it, for me it was named "Stop Barbed Dog"
My Adware names were random generated stuff as well to throw off antivurus programs, the whole Folder can be deleted. - Empty the trash after.
Oct 02, 2007 - 08:54 AM
Oct 02, 2007 - 08:41 AM
Keparski , Norton, and CalmWin(Linux Antivirus) will pick up the trojan virus in it, They dont even get all the adware, These guys are making new adware programs weekly it looks like, so you get new stuff that is not yet discovered by many Adware programs.
I think Calmwin will give you a free PC scan, The entire antivirus is free because it is Open Source,
It should get rid of your TROJAN and some adware... Go to the Calmwin website, and try the free scan,
What the trojan is.... A trojan is a Resident memory program that opens a port in the TCP/IP Protocol (Works through most firewalls) that then allows autonomous or automatic downloads to come to your PC, In this case, I bet it will be MORE ADWARE. Over time you will begin accumulating more and more Adware till your PC becomes unbarably slow. This will eventually result in a Format or System Recovery.
Oct 02, 2007 - 08:45 AM
Also, I suggest a Wikipedia search on 3wplayer.
Oct 02, 2007 - 08:54 AM
Keparski , Norton, and CalmWin(Linux Antivirus) will pick up the trojan virus in it, They dont even get all the adware, These guys are making new adware programs weekly it looks like, so you get new stuff that is not yet discovered by many Adware programs.
I think Calmwin will give you a free PC scan, The entire antivirus is free because it is Open Source,
It should get rid of your TROJAN and some adware... Go to the Calmwin website, and try the free scan,
What the trojan is.... A trojan is a Resident memory program that opens a port in the TCP/IP Protocol (Works through most firewalls) that then allows autonomous or automatic downloads to come to your PC, In this case, I bet it will be MORE ADWARE. Over time you will begin accumulating more and more Adware till your PC becomes unbarably slow. This will eventually result in a Format or System Recovery.
I got many of these details from the Symantec Online Threat Library, WinZix, HTTP LOP Adware, and 3wPlayer are all detected by Norton Antivirus and are listed on the threat library with details.
I noticed a folder that was also created under my PC named "Stop Barbed Dog" Its a RANDOM NAME GENERATED it will be diffrent on all PCs
Go to C:\
Doccuments and Settings
Michael (My User Name, Click on your User name that Installed the Program)
Application Data
There will be a weird generated folder under it, with atleast 4 or 5 single file adware programs copied under it, for me it was named "Stop Barbed Dog"
My Adware names were random generated stuff as well to throw off antivurus programs, the whole Folder can be deleted. - Empty the trash after.
PS there are 2 registry entries to load the Trojan and Adwares...... All diffrent so know what you are doing...
Dec 28, 2010 - 07:28 PM
a)my pc starts up very slow, which always drive me crazy, I want a program to solve my slow computer, several days ago my friend recommend me a software tuneup360, now I'm waiting for the result.
Jan 03, 2011 - 09:41 PM
With links and
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