Summer internet use, does it go down?
I was wondering if peoples use of the internet actually does go down in the summer or it just changes from being work to home use? And I know that we don't all have summer at the same time, but I'm thinking Europe/USA in july. Do you know any stats about that or know where I could find it?
Open Jul 13, 2007 - 12:29 AM
internet, Statistics
Jul 14, 2007 - 02:50 AM
Difficult to answer I think. I reckon younger kids will play more outside when weather is nice and sunny. But I dont think it makes too much of a difference with adults. Most adults will still be working and so their internet use is not really going to vary.
Not all kids have access to internet or if they do, some might be restricted. There are plenty of games consoles in households.
Jul 14, 2007 - 07:00 AM
I know that advertisements income like from google adsense goes down in the summer, because the advertisers turn of the adverts or pay less.
So I imagined that there was a corelation there.
You know any statistics resource where I could check it somehow?
Sep 26, 2007 - 04:54 AM
no I didn't get an answer although I can see on my own site statistics that it's gone down a bit.
If anybody know where to point to good statistical ressources (free or for pay) I'd be thankful.
Sep 26, 2007 - 09:15 AM
by all means NO!!!!
while scholastic related use goes down, P2P apps, chats and youtube traffice skyrocket.
Dec 24, 2010 - 08:45 PM
Thanks the author. The computer problems always drive me crazy, I want a program to solve my slow computer, several days ago my friend recommend me a software tuneup360, now I'm waiting for the result.
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