c++ opengl question
Hi! I need to write an opengl program that shows a view of the earth as seen from the moon.In particular : 1) the earth must be displayed as a sphere. 2)An image(i have a bmp file) of the earth must be mapped to the surface of the sphere. 3) Eerth must rotate on its axis(between north and south poles). 4) The light of the sun must fall on the surface of the earth.The other side of the earth must be dark. 5)Since the moon revolves around the earth every 30 days, the light cast by the sun on the earth(and the shadow where it is night) as seen from the moon must change. As far as the moon is concerned, the sun appears to "move around the earth" once every 30 days.
To fulfil these requirements i need to do the following.1)Adapt a piece of code.(will provide u with). 2)the bmp file i give u will need to be used. 3) use an appropriate rotation transformation to rotate the earth.Include a keyboard callback so the user can speed up or slow down the rotation of the earth. 4) u need to specify a distant light and adjust various parametres of the light to get a good effect. 5)apart from the rotation of the earth, the position of the sun should be moved to make the light and shadow on the surface of the earth change. I also need a report explaining the code. in particular explainning parts of the program dealing with yexyure mapping, the choice made about lighting.report needs to be about 1-2 pages typed length.
Open Jul 24, 2007 - 05:04 AM
Mar 04, 2009 - 07:44 AM
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