Aug 31, 2007 - 04:53 PM
Aug 31, 2007 - 11:47 PM
Majority of the congressional candidates do not accept emails due to SPAM. Whenever you want to log an issue or want to ask for support from the corgressman you need to send a Webform Lemme give you an example .We found out that most of congressional offices do not accept emails for anti-spam purpose. Requests must be sent through web form on each congressional officer’s website. This issue is addressed in capwiz's demo at:
how can we do this?
Looking forth for an quick reply
Sep 01, 2007 - 07:17 PM
We're Sorry
It appears that the page you are requesting either no longer exists or has been moved.
If you pasted or followed the link from an e-mail message, please check that the web address is complete.
If problems persist and you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact us.
Anyway, your problem is an interesting challenge. So if I get this right, someone fills out a web form to a congressman and this information has to get to this congressman. But you can't use email.
I am not sure about your environment, i.e. is this on Windows? are you using .Net for development. etc.
But the ideas I have in my head about a solution would be in the area of for example, windows Workflow foundation where you could implement a workflow, which then saves ths information to a database. You would need a client app, which woul dpick up teh notification and connect to the database where the information is saved etc.
Another thought is using Message queues. Again, you would need a client which listens to these queues and picks up the message for processing etc.
Sorry OI am just throwing ideas around. But does this go into the right direction?
Sep 02, 2007 - 11:03 PM
Thanks for your reply
Yes, the enviornment is Windows
Click on "Click here to start the tour"
This is what i would like to do for my application.
Sep 03, 2007 - 04:15 PM
If you look at the big picture and you look for a way to deliver web form data to a recipient and the recipient gets it delivered without having to pull the information and you don't want them to install additional client software then you look at emailing! There is no way around it! All other ways require actions on the client side i.e. go to a web page, subscribe to RSS feeds etc. And quite honestly, just imagine someone finds a way to push information to your PC without using eMail and by-passing spam filters, where would this lead us?
Sorry if this isn't much helpful.
Mar 04, 2009 - 05:56 AM
The Quomon Team
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