Need help setting network over Wifi
Hey all I have the same issue as the comment below .
trying to set up print/file share on home network and having no luck. Linksys wireless-G router connects all to DSL and internet just fine, but none of the computers can "see" each other. One desktop is wired to router, second desktop is wireless, and laptop is wireless. All running Windows XP home SP2. All drivers updated. Printer is connected to wired desktop. Desired share files on all computers. I must be missing something in PC setups/configurations, just don't know where or how to find. Have stepped thru setup (wireless and network) several times, made sure all belong to same workgroup, all have same services installed, even turned off Norton AV and firewalls completely and still no luck. Call to Linksys support says is in Windows settings, MicroSoft tech says call router manufacturer.... Any help much appreciated.
Open Sep 18, 2007 - 06:51 AM
web development
Sep 19, 2007 - 07:51 AM
the first thing I would try to do is ping ip addresses. if all your firewalls are off then on the computer with the shared printer (computer "A") select start then run then type in "CMD" in the black window that comes up, type in "IPCONFIG" then press enter. note the IP address (1) for linksys it should be something like
Now on another computer that is connected (wireless or wired, it doesn't matter) open the CMD window like for computer A and type in "Ping [ip address from (1)]" for example "ping" without the quotes and press enter. if a reply is not received, there is a connection or firewall issue.
If a reply received, then try typing in \\[ip address (1)] into your internet explorer's address bar
for example \\ (no http:// or www or anything else, just \\ip address)
you should see a window that has either shared documents or shared printers or both (2).
If you don't see this, there's a firewall issue or file sharing is not enabled. to enable file sharing:
open the network connections folder in the control panel and select set up a home network. There are 4 settings that you need to pay attention to here. 1 my company uses a network WITHOUT a domain, 2. my workgroup name, 3. my computer name, 4. turn on file and print sharing.
Go through this wizard for all computers. This wizard is preferrable since it opens up the firewall, shares default folders printers and even configures anonymous access to default shares which is what most people forget when setting up file sharing.
Now if you saw a "shared documents folder" from (2) then just replace the ip address with the computer's name (go to "system" in the control panel to find the computer name) and you can now connect to your printer. NOTE* I strongly recommend against using the ip address to explore the computer since ip addresses change.
Hope this helps.
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