Track whether a file has been copied
An employee had been using the company's laptop for her own personal business on the side. I have had reports that this employee had used their access to the company's confidential documents for the employee's side businesses. The log files on the server reflect access to the files, but I need to find a way to tell the difference between whether a files only been accessed or if it has been copied. I'm pretty sure there's no way, but if someone knows something any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Open Oct 04, 2007 - 12:15 PM
Aug 18, 2009 - 10:08 PM
Beyond compare 3 can make a snapshot view of a directory and sub directories of files. later you can compare the snapshot with current files. Beyond compare will show what files have changed and how they are different, content, time/date, etc. you can take snapshot once a day.
while connected to the company LAN admin should be able to connect to her laptop hard drives c$ hidden shares to make snapshot of her profile's documents (desktop, my documents). Compare various folders on her machine compared to folders of documents possibly being copied. if there is a match then they were copied/modified to her laptop.
you would have to consult legal to be sure your company policies include that work machines are not for personal use and content may be reviewed at any time.
Or you can just ask .. confrontation may be unpleasant, but so is clearing up rumors and distrust.
Sending an email reminding employees they should not use computers for personal use and that spot audits of work machines will be conducted on a regular machine maintenance schedule. Hold laptops overnight, probably do not even have to check to discourage future misuse.
Nov 27, 2009 - 05:13 AM
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