How do I set PS7 to not open images when I transfer canon CR2 files from EOS viewer to Tiffs jpeg?
It takes way too much time to wait for photoshop to open and display each and every file and really slows down the transfer process. PS 7 will not open my Canon CR2 files, so I use the Canon EOS viewer utilityto transfer files to Tiffs and then open just the ones I want in PS7. How do I turn the auto open or auto load off and on?
How do I turn the darned thing off. I also notice that Adobe elements does the same thing on my other computer when you open jpgs. I would rather not have it auto-load
Open Oct 28, 2007 - 11:33 AM
Oct 28, 2007 - 07:56 PM
the best way is to change the defaut opening program for jpeg files. right click on the file and select open with and select "choose program" when the screen updates, select choos a program from a list. underneath the "other programs" section, find "Windows picture and fax viewer" and check the box "always use this program". this should solve your problem.
you can open your pictures with ps7 on a per case basis with a right click on the file, or you can undo the settings entirely and change the default back to ps7 by repeating the steps aforementioned using PS7 (I assume photoshop) as the program to always be used.
you should note that you'll have to go through this process for each type of file extension that adobe is screwing up. *.jpg,*.jpeg,*.bmp,*.gif,*.tif etc...
Nov 25, 2007 - 10:09 AM
I tried the prcess suggested above. I opened a tiff from the file mdnu in PS7 and then rt clicked on it as suggested and then open with "Windows picture and fax viewer", checked always use this program etc. Then I did a test from the Canon EOS viewer software that copies and transfers the RAW files to the desired format, and transferred 2 Cannon RAW files to Tiff and it did not work- the darned PS7 opened again and made me wait for its machinations- this takes way too much time! I do not want it to open every time I try to convert a file, and I can't find the darned setting that allows you to turn this off.
I simply want to hit transfer (from RAW to Tiff or Jpeg) walk away for a few minutes and come back and open the images I select without having to wait for the entire darned card to finish displaying in PS7. I really want to turn the auto-open function off!
If the plug-in for my camera were easily added to PS7 I would add that instead, but I can't seem to find it or get it to work.;
Nov 26, 2007 - 07:49 AM
Did PS7 open when you double clicked on the picture file? or did it open after the transfer completed.
PS7 may be set as the default picture editor which is slightly different than the default associated program. Double clicking on the file will be able to tell us the difference.
Nov 26, 2007 - 09:26 PM
PS 7 opened after I transferred the file. This is the step I want to abolish. I want to just transfer the files and manually open the ones I want. I am trying to avoid the PS7 auto-open that is happening now.
Nov 27, 2007 - 06:54 AM
just to double check on the file associations, if you double click on the already transferred files, does adobe open? I don't want to give up on the file type associations just yet. another place to look is from windows explorer, go to the tools menu and select folder options. click on the file types tab and look for anything that says ps7 and change it to mspaint.exe
If not, the transfer program and adobe are linked in some way and we need to break that link. this link could exist as a tray icon for adobe or a shell execute dll file with explorer, it's very unlikely that the cannon transfer program would be directly linked to adobe.
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