Access Denied to Imported GPOs
I have 2 seperate AD Domains I have backed up all GPOs from domain1 using the backupallgpos.wsf script file. I then imported all the GPOs into domain2 using the restoreallgpos.wsf script. This worked fine but there are a few changes I need to make. I am able to edit all settings in under Software Settings folder and Windows Settings folder for both computer and user configurations but I am unable to edit anything under the Administrative Templates on both Computer and User configuration. I get the error "The Group Policy snapin was unable to save your changes due to the following error: Access is denied"
I have checked the ACL on the ADM files in c:\windows\inf
I have checked the ACL on SYSVOL directories and below all the way down to the ADM files in the polices them self.
I am a Domain and Enterprise admin and I have full delegated access to the GPOs in question.
I can create a new GPO and add the ADM files successfully the new GPO is fully functional and I do not have a problem with newly created ones.
I have tried using the Copygpo.wsf script aswell to try creating a new GPO from a backed up gpo this has the same problem.
Can anyone help this problem has stumped a few peolple in the office.
Ashley Banks
Open Nov 21, 2007 - 12:18 AM
Errors, windows, information technology
Nov 21, 2007 - 09:58 AM
have you established a trust between your two domains? What happens is that GPO's have associated domain information attached and domain A won't let domain B's policies go into effect without a domain trust relationship. At the very least, if you've exported GPO's from domain A, then to import them to domain B, you need domain B to fully trust admins from domain A.
Use Active Directory Domains and Trusts to set up such a partnership.
Nov 26, 2007 - 12:21 AM
The 2 domains are not connected in anyway. All I wanted to achieve is to replicate the GPOs in one domain into another. The only way I see round this now is to import all the ADM files and just manually go through every setting in Domain A's GPOs and manually enter them into new GPOs I create on domain B.
Thanks for the response though.
Nov 26, 2007 - 08:06 AM
Determine the GUID of the GPO that you want to copy.
Create a new GPO in the target domain.
Determine the new GPO's GUID.
Navigate to the new GPO's storage area (%SystemRoot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\\Policies\{}), and delete the contents of that folder.
Copy the contents of the GPO folder from the original domain into the new GPO location.
For example, imagine I have an original GPO named Test in the domain and a GUID of 5AA140D1-397A-4B5C-B4DC-DF60FF731FC0. To copy this GPO to a new GPO named Sales in the domain, I would perform the following steps:
Create a new GPO named Sales in the domain.
Determine the new GPO's GUID (e.g., 600140D1-397A-4B5C-B4DC-DF60FF73XXXX).
Navigate to the new GPO's storage area (%SystemRoot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\\Policies\{600140D1-397A-4B5C-B4DC-DF60F
F73XXXX}), and delete the contents of that folder.
Copy the contents of %SystemRoot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\\Policies\{5AA140D1-397A-4B5C-B4DC-DF60FF
731FC0} to %SystemRoot%\SYSVOL\sysvol\\Policies\{600140D1-397A-4B5C-B4DC-DF60FF
Be aware that you won't have both folders on one machine; instead, you'll be copying files between DCs.
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