booting IBM T23 labtop
When windows setup need to start on the blue screen, either it freez when it finishes checking fils, and then it gos to A Disk error restart the labtop, and if I could press on F2 with letter (R) for recovery, I get a blue screen says: Setup was unable to load support for the mass storage devicew you specified. Currently, Setup will load support for the following mass storage devices:
* To specify additional SCSI adapters, CD-ROM, or special disk controllers for use with Windows, including those for which you have a device support disk from a mass storage device manufacturer, press S.
* If you do not have any device support disks from a mass storage device manufacturer, or do not want to specify additional mass storage devices for use with windows, press Enter.
When I press S to Specify Additional Device, it asks me to insert the disk labeled Manufacturer-supplied hadware support disk into Drive A: * Press Enter when ready.
When I place the cd and press enter, it keeps ask me to insert a disk.
By the way the CD works with other computers, which means it is not the CD fault.
Waiting for your kind reply.
Open Nov 22, 2007 - 08:46 AM
Nov 23, 2007 - 08:16 AM
you have a damaged hard drive. The damage extends to the recovery partition (a portion of your hard drive which contains your restore to factory default software) take the laptop back if it's under warranty or replace your hard drive. there are ways to recover data from damaged hard drives, but they're economically infeasible (like $100/megabyte infeasible). When you replace your hard drive, contact your laptop's manufacturer to have them send you a restore disk, they usually charge about $20 or so for these and you won't have to re purchase an operating system.
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