What is the average file size for a song when it is in an MP3 format?
I need to know the overall average of file size for songs that are put in an MP3 format.
Open Dec 01, 2007 - 05:03 AM
MP3, MP3s, File Size, Average
Dec 01, 2007 - 10:49 PM
about 6mb per song. at 192 kbps, this accounts for about a 4 1/2 minute song.
at 128kbps which is about CD quality, the ratio is about 1mb/minute of music.
these are not fixed numbers as the sound file itself plays a small part.
Dec 02, 2007 - 02:38 AM
Dec 01, 2014 - 03:33 AM
About 4-6 Mb
Feb 24, 2015 - 11:28 AM
For a song with a bad/medium quality it is at 0.75mb/1minute
For a song with good quality is about 1mb/1 minutes
Hope my answer is helpful :)
Jan 01, 2016 - 08:42 PM
On an average it's 4-6 mb depending on bit rate. Typical bit rates for MP3 files are 128Kbps, 160Kbps, 192Kbps, 256Kbps and 320Kbps.
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