Server question
My questions is this. I want to create an in house template server for letters, brochures, table tents, etc. that will allow the users in our building to access these, then push them out as pdfs - password protected or regular. Also, I want it to house photos, etc. that we upload as high res, but the user will have the ability to download high or low res photos, depending on the usage.
Also, on this server, if possible, this server can house the publication management software.
Let me know if we are capable of doing this. I need companies that may provide this service, and some pricing information for this if possible asap, by this week or early next.
Marcia Stubbeman
Open Dec 05, 2007 - 05:13 AM
servers, information technology
Dec 05, 2007 - 06:42 AM
it sounds like you're interested in purchasing a small business server, but for what you're requesting, a windows XP pro machine configured for file sharing would work fine. save your money for the server until a later time.
the 317 area code is Indianapolis? I don't know of any local company, but you might try Geek Squad. Keep in mind that they'll try very hard to sell you a machine (I think they peddle HP servers with windows 2k3 SBS) that is overkill at this juncture. SBS server or not, what you specifically need to ask for is how to setup file and printer sharing and read only access to these files. also you need to install adobe acrobat on your server and share the acrobat distiller printer. that should take care of all your issues except the publication management software. for that, you'll need to simply check the system requirements and match it to the machine you're buying. Keep in mind that you may have compatibility issues if your software is to run on XP or server2k3 and your machine is running Vista.
the solution provided should run you about $1500, ($3000 if you go for a SBS server)
On a final note, if you can find a smaller company than geek squad; use them.
Mar 04, 2009 - 06:02 AM
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