error : [IN-USE] account busy (locked by another POP3 process) What now?
I am using a MAC. I just hooked up ComCast, set up a user account & email and then a couple secondary email accounts, one works, one doesn't, both are set up the same. I'm using Entourage 2004 for email. I've tried so many things and nothing seems to work.
Open Dec 15, 2007 - 11:26 AM
Dec 17, 2007 - 09:16 AM
I can try to help you, but I know very little of Entourage and won't be able to help you with those settings. I am very familiar with comcast however.
The best I can tell you is what their pop settings are:
(you can also try for both)
username is just the username and doesn't need to be the full email address.
the outgoing server requires authentication, same credentials as incomming.
Comcast does not use SPA, the smtp/pop3 ports are 25/110 respectively.
my best guess is that the error your seeing is a result of something blocking communication between you and the pop3 server, causing it to time out, and entourage recognizes that timeout as a "Busy" pop3 communication error.
try 2 things to figure this one out.
connect to your email from a different internet source, or use a windows based machine on your internet connection and try it out.
Mar 04, 2009 - 06:03 AM
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Jan 07, 2011 - 12:48 AM
Maybe the most important thing you need is a computer cleaner, try the software "tuneup360", it won't let you down .
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