document.getElementById("conf").style .fontWeight ="bolder"; doesn't work in IE??
i am new to javascript ....
i am facing the same problem . i am trying to get the text in a table cell to bolden on the load event of the form using javascript
document.getElementById("conf").style .fontWeight ="bolder";
document.getElementById("conf").style .color ="black";
where conf is the id of the "td" tag in the in FF but not in IE.
Open Apr 24, 2008 - 01:02 AM
C#, web development
Jan 13, 2009 - 03:38 AM
Hi fellow developer,
Does it work if you set the value to "bold" instead of "bolder"?
In my experience, none of the regular browsers can actually display more than two different values of font-weight, namely "normal" and "bold". There might be other supported values, like any number between 1-999 and "bolder" etc. but they all come out as either "normal" or "bold" on the screen.
Come to think of it, this is probably an issue with the font files, since most fonts only provides two different sets of characters - weight-wise.
I hope this was helpful. If you have an example of a situation which will show something different than "normal" or "bold", I'd be very interested to hear about it.
Mar 24, 2009 - 06:49 AM
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