IT Career Advise
Greetings to all.
My name is Mike, a grad with Bachelor degree in Info. Sciences Technology.
Lucky to be alive but not lucky when it comes to communication. I have some hearing trouble (hearing aids don't help) and I have trouble hearing what the people are saying.
I have some experience with Web Designing (worked 2 websites from home, but I have knowledge on different IT). I applied in different companies, and so far no luck.
And my question is which IT direction should I pursue where there would be less communication through phone or in person, and more communication through Internet (emails, messenger) or even not that much communication?
Open Jun 13, 2008 - 10:09 AM
Websites, web development, html, information technology
Jun 20, 2008 - 11:48 AM
Hi mike,
since their is a lot of communication when your in an IT job environment it definitely will be hard for you to get a job. their is a lot of communication over phone/one on one. and unfortunately with your hearing condition it may be too hard for you to find that kind of job, i would suggest just pursuing jobs that you can do over email or by remote access. maybe some server management jobs or website building like you have been doing.
Jun 21, 2008 - 10:04 AM
A number of different roles do exist within the IT world. One aspect you have mentioned so far is development. There is a lot of communication done but for developers working remotely, email should be sufficient. I believe it is possible. The only stumbling block would be the discrimination you might face, thats my worry for you. This is because you said hearing aids do not help. Im not deaf nor do I know anybody who is deaf so please excuse my ignorance, but is there nothing else on the market that may help?
For analysts and designers, I have found more communication is required. There is the job of testing if your up for that. Bit of a boring job (sorry for any testers out there) but testers Ive worked and with testing Ive done in the past, communication is fine via tools like Test Director and email. Depending on what level of tester you are, you may or may not have involvement with developers.
If your heart is intent on doing IT, I would apply. Lots of companies (especially larger ones) take on graduates, competition is tough though.
Mar 04, 2009 - 06:09 AM
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