Local disk process in SVChost seems to be lagging my computer
Yesterday my computer started slowing down considerably but it wasn't an overall lag throughout the system. It seemed to only happen when I tried to access Windows Explorer or the start menu. It would then freeze up only the window that was attempting to access any of the functions of Windows explorer. Because of this when i start up my computer it takes roughly 20-25 minutes to even show my desktop icons, however everything else runs incredibly smooth, Games, other programs, etc everything runs fine. I did some digging into my processes and after testing a few of them by shutting down various ones I found that one of the svchost processes was the culprit. A little more digging and experimentation and i found that it was the local disk process within that svchost that was actually slowing things down. When i shut down that specific process within svchost i gain full access to everything and the world is a brighter place, I know this isn't a solid solution though.
So my question is: What might be going on with the local disk process that would be lagging my computer so badly? And is there a way to fix it?
Open Sep 06, 2008 - 04:08 PM
local disk, svchost, process problems
Apr 30, 2009 - 06:56 AM
You can try to repair your Windows installation using the CD installer. Or you can try to upgrade your service pack.
May 22, 2009 - 07:49 AM
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Dec 27, 2010 - 03:41 AM
I think an easy way to keep your computer from running Slow is to install a PC protector or cleaning, according to my personal experience, Tuneup360 is good choice, and your computer takes only 30 sec to start up if you have it!!!
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