Sending graphics via email that don't come out right on recipient's end
When I send out emails that contain background coloring, fancy fonts, tables, graphics, etc. some recipients receive it okay while others do not. Those who do not may not be able to receive html emails or emails with special formating, or maybe they have filters or something. The email program I use outlook 2003 and I'm not sending spam - the email lands in people's inboxes as they are known contacts. I do the design work in outlook.
It is very important that I find a way to have these emails not lose their formatting when they reach the recipient. Please advise me on what the best thing(s) to do are to ensure the artwork is intact when the recipient opens the email. Thank you.
Open Oct 24, 2008 - 11:46 AM
Oct 24, 2008 - 02:51 PM
Hey Jeff,
Make sure that your images are on a server and available on the web, not just on your desktop. If you're using CSS with your HTML, you need to make sure that it is within the HTML and not in it's own file because that will not work.
Finally, you need to make sure that you send it as an HTML file and not just text or else it will not come out right. Not sure how you accomplish this with outlook, but with Thunderbird when I click "send" it gives me the options and I can select to send it as an HTML email. That should do it, you should be able to send it if you follow those guidelines. I send plenty of emails with graphics in them and they work fine.
Mar 24, 2009 - 06:51 AM
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