How to Update records of one oracle table from another table when there may be 1:N relationships.
I am trying to set a date in one table based on data in another.
The code I am using is as follows:
update &2 a
set a.ret_date =
(select b.ret_date
from &3 b
where a.pcode=b.pcode and
a.pctype=b.pctype and
a.lowaddr=b.lowaddr and
a.highaddr=b.highaddr and
a.std_stname=b.std_stname and
a.std_sttype=b.std_sttype and
a.std_stdir=b.std_stdir and
a.std_comm_name=b.std_comm_name and
(a.pctype like '1' or a.pctype like '2')
There are cases where there is a one to one match between the tables based on the criteria,
but there are also cases where table &2 may have multiple records that match.
How can I update all the matching records in table &2, not just the first match?
Open Oct 20, 2006 - 02:24 PM
Tables, Databases, oracle, sql
Apr 16, 2007 - 03:51 AM
I thought all matching records would of got updated and not just the first match. Oh well.
If you are having problems updating all records then have u considered writing this in PL/SQL and using cursors?
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