How do you allow a PDF to be downloaded after a PayPal purchase has been made?
I have a site that sells a booklet by PayPal. I would like customers to have an option to download the file after they purchase it through PayPal. Is this a PayPal or Dreamweaver issue?
Open Nov 25, 2008 - 05:43 PM
mac, dreamweaver, paypal
Mar 06, 2009 - 03:45 AM
There are lots of options to achieve this. You can simply password-protect a directory where the .pdf file is (easy if you have a hosting account with a control panel). Then mamnually send the login details to the customer's e-mail as shown in the payment notifications you receive from PayPal.
You could automate the task by using PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification), altough this requires notable knowledge about server-side scripting.
Both solutions would be very simple and could allow illegal distribution of the passwords. If you need a more powerful solution, you could implement a database-based system that catches PayPal IPN calls and stores them internally, so you could assign per-user passwords and control how many times the file is downloaded per user, altough this is a much harder task and requires a server-side scripting language (PHP, for instance) a database engine (such as MySQL), and some hours of coding :)
If you need a professional solution, please let me know:
askanexpert [-at-] bsharpinternet [-dot-] com
Mar 28, 2009 - 07:07 AM
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The Quomon Team
Apr 25, 2014 - 07:20 AM
One method would be to use PayPal's feature along with Auto Return. This method does require additional programming skills. After the payment is processed, PayPal posts the transaction details to your IPN script. At this point, you could have your IPN script either send out an email with the item as an attachment, or an email that has a link to a secure page where the item can be downloaded from.
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