changing OS from 2000 Pro to XP
My Dell X300 laptop was "designed for XP" but my corporate employer changed the OS to 2000 Pro. Now that I have left that employer (with the laptop), the reasons for 2000 are gone. Will I get a performance boost if I change back to XP? Is this expensive, difficult, etc? What would the change do to my apps? Is it possible both OS's are installed, and how would I know???
Open Dec 28, 2008 - 07:36 AM
Dell X300, 2000 Pro
Apr 17, 2009 - 03:21 AM
You will not get a performance boost if you switched back to Windows XP. Because Windows XP requires much memory than Windows 2000 Pro.
Changing your OS from Windows 2000 Pro to XP (upgrading) is not that difficult. But you have to identify whether softwares that are installed in your computer are compatible with Windows XP upgrade. But in my experience, Anti-virus software will not run after the upgrade and will require you to re-install it again from scratch. Microsoft Office on the other hand will not require you a "reinstall" if it is compatible with Windows XP.
It is possible to install both OS's (dual-boot). But you have to partition your harddrive. On the second partition, you can install your Windows XP. After the installation, you will have the option to choose from the two OS's.
May 09, 2009 - 04:53 AM
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