I have new reinstall of XP pro on my computer. The CPU shows usage of 60-100%. How can I fix it?
I just reinstalled XP pro on my home computer which is an AMD Dual-core CPU with one gig of pc-3200 and a 160 gb sata drive. The CPU shows usage of over 60% most of the time. When I do nothing, usage is at 7-16%. When I move the cursor around it jumps to 30-40%. Opening a browser makes it go to 60%-100%. There is a lot of lag time between when i execute a cmd and when it actually goes through. I have already shut down most programs that start automatically.
Open Jan 03, 2009 - 09:47 AM
Mar 06, 2009 - 03:18 AM
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del simultaneously. This should pop up the Windows Task Manager. Click on the 'Processes' tab, then click on the 'CPU' header one or two times (until the processes that waste more CPU power appear on the top of the list). You can now identify them and take any steps necessary. Note: The 'System Idle Process' should appear on top taking 90%-100% of the CPU most of the time.
Mar 10, 2009 - 06:00 AM
Only running processes are those which are needed for the OS to run correctly. I have stop most startup programs as well except for those needed.
Dec 24, 2010 - 09:05 PM
Recently I find functional software which can fix all these problems just with one click: tuneup360, maybe you guys could have a try.
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