MS Office
I recently replace an old desktop system with a new Dell. Everything is working OK except one little issue. When I open an existing Word doc it messes the page. What it does is it moves the last two lines on the first page of the document to page 2 which messes all other pages. Now there are 4 other workstaions that are using the same exact Version of MS office 2002 and they all doing fine. The old system alos works fine. I installed MS office 2007 and it did the same thing. If I put the old system back, it works fine. The files are located on a HP server (OS 2003). I even emailed the file and tried to open it from the email, it did the same thing.
I installed MS office 2002 on my laptop and opened the Doc and it worked just fine.
It seems to be this new Dell that is causing that. Now I am not sure what else to try. Can you Help please. My email is &
Open Apr 09, 2009 - 02:19 PM
servers, Laptop, files, HP, System
Apr 30, 2009 - 07:16 AM
Do double check of you page setup in your old office 2002 and the new one.
Go to file > page setup
set the margins to be the same as the old office 2002.
This seem the only problem that causes your layout to be broken.
May 22, 2009 - 07:50 AM
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