problem regarding laptop
Hello Sir,
I purcahsed a laptop compaq presario CQ45-207TU in January 2009. As per the recommendations of HP I updated BIOS. Soon after that i encountered problem with regard to the high spped of fan and heating up of my touchpad and base of laptop where the hard drive is. The problem was shared with my friend who somewhat managed to slowup the speed of the fan with the updated BIOS but the heating problem remained. The BIOS updated was F.24 but recently i downgraded it to F.14. As a result of that the fan speed slowed down but not that normal as factory set. The heating of touchpad has also reduced but sometimes the RAM usage remains between 60-70% for a long period. My question are:
Is there any effect of downgarding of BIOS as i did; because exactly I dont know when my set was manufactuerd and what version of BIOS was in there in laptop.
What should be the exact BIOS for my set?
Is the heating of touch pad and fast speed of fan is a matter of worry?
Can it damage my laptop?
My laptop serial No. is SN:(S)CND8392JDD(estimated to be manufactured between september to november 2008)but not sure.
Open Apr 21, 2009 - 10:02 AM
Laptop, HP, bios, Compaq
Apr 30, 2009 - 06:19 AM
You can try to look your laptop's specifications on the manufacturer's website and find the BIOS version for that model. You can also try to download the manual because sometimes it also contains the BIOS version.
May 22, 2009 - 07:50 AM
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