How to draw a histogram or bar chart using php / MySQL ?
Hi all,
I have a table with a variable 'age' and I want to select the data and draw a histogram or bar chart of the number in each category, using stars like this:
20-25 ****
26-3 *********
31-45 **
Could anyone give me an example of how to write this in php / MySQL?
Open Aug 17, 2009 - 09:40 PM
PHP, mysql
Aug 17, 2009 - 11:14 PM
Hi there,
please check the link below one for demo and another for download code, if it is ok than you can customize with your requirement.
Code Download:
Hope this will help you.
Aug 19, 2009 - 04:18 AM
Thank u shashi for ur response,
I have seen the demo and also tried the code. It's cool but it doesn't display the bar chart.... i don't know what's problem in the code.
Mar 31, 2012 - 11:00 AM
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