a script on this page has been stopped due to a low memory condition
I almost get this error,just like volcano i will blow it up and again starting from first. please help me guys.
Open Nov 12, 2009 - 12:31 AM
Memory, script, Starting, Errors, System, firefox
Nov 12, 2009 - 12:33 AM
The only thing you can do is increase the virtual memory , next time you wont’ encounter this problem of low memory warning in Firefox and also uninstall add-ons that don’t require any more for you will free some memory.
Nov 12, 2009 - 12:35 AM
Another thought which i picked up.You may have plenty of memory, but evidently not enough to run that script. (If a script has the right kind of error, infinite memory [and I mean gazillions of petabytes] isn't enough.) You can't fix it - the person who wrote the site has to fix the bad code. (If you can analyze Javascript, and you're running Firebug, you might be able to figure out what's wrong. Look for a loop with an exit condition that can't be met, and memory being used, but not given back, in the loop.)
Nov 12, 2009 - 12:49 AM
yeah man you were right,i had plenty of addons.well i was not taking care of it. now my way is clear.
thanks dude.
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