How to validate radio button for gender using javascript
FOr male and female radio button how to validate using javascript?.........
Open Jun 18, 2010 - 01:36 AM
JavaScript, Button
Aug 09, 2010 - 02:34 AM
Hi Mythili,The first step is to create the radio buttons 1st
The next step is to validate using the java script.function valbutton(thisform) {// place any other field validations that you require here// validate myradiobuttonsmyOption = -1;for (i=thisform.myradiobutton.length-1; i > -1; i--) {if (thisform.myradiobutton[i].checked) {myOption = i; i = -1;}}if (myOption == -1) {alert("You must select a radio button");return false;}alert("Gender : " + thisform.myradiobutton[myOption].value);// place any other field validations that you require herethisform.submit(); // this line submits the form after validation}Hope this helps
Mar 31, 2012 - 10:56 AM
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