when transfering mail folders to another installation of mozilla dif comp. the folders are empty
So we got a new computer.
Working b/t windows xp and windows 7 if that becomes relevant.
Wanted to move all of the outlook information from the old machine to the new one.
Downloaded Thunderbird on the old on, and imported all of the info.
Which worked fine.
Went to the folder location for the user (example: 7d9gpe8p) and then I saved all of that folders contents onto a flashdrive.
Installed Thunderbird on the new machine. Dummy account. Went to the funny folder location replaced all of the files with those from the flashdrive.
Seemed to work, the account and all of the folders imported from the old machine's thunderbird, but now I noticed that the contents of those folders, only imported up to the letter G.
All of the folders starting with H-Z are empty. The folder is there but not the contained emails.
Checked the old computer, those emails did import from Outlook, but on some of them it appears if it is the first time opening the folder Thunderbird takes a minute to load them first.
Does anyone know how I can get that content easily to the new machine?
Does thunderbird only reference the files stored in outlook and not actually import a new copy?
Should I save them all individually to a flashdrive and manually move them over? is that even possible?
Let me know what you think?
Open Nov 08, 2010 - 10:08 AM
windows, computer, Time, files, outlook
Mar 09, 2011 - 09:44 PM
Take the mozilla backup using "mozbackup" and restore the backupfiles to the new system using the same
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