i want to hard wire a laptop through something that will connect wireless to my router how?
i have a router in part of my house but wish to hard wire a laptop without wireless cabability.it is a company laptop and they will not allow a wireless usb hub
Open May 07, 2011 - 07:46 AM
Laptop, wireless, usb, router
May 08, 2011 - 05:09 AM
can't understand your question fully. hope this helps
>is your laptop a new model? old models doesn't have integrated wifi, built on their motherboard/system. If it, if it's an old model, you can buy a USB dongle,
and work just like a built-in card would. here's the step on what to do.
1. plug the usb dongle (USB port), wait for the computer to recognize it.
2. insert the cd that came with the wifi dongle. just follow the steps prompted, you will be prompted to restart your laptop,
3. after reboot, double click wifi icon on the lower right corner (usually next to the cloc), a list of wireless networks will appear
4. select your router name from the list, encode your password. once the wireless toll has finish connecting, dongle is fully configured.
>>BUT if your company's laptop does have wifi connection BUT DOES NOT ALLOW you to be connected VIA wireless connection (this is my understanding on what your questions implying) then you can just connect you laptop via an rj45. It's like the wires on your landline phones. one end (laptop) put it in the port for that and the other to your router
May 13, 2011 - 06:21 PM
First you need to know if your account is an Admin account or you are a user on the domain of you company. If you can got to the control pannel and click user accounts and modife the account type then you are an admin on your laptop. Other wise you will not be able to do what Missyphoebe said. Some Corps lock down laptops hard, to where you dont have many options. Best be will be to ask your company's IT person for you answer.
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