Hi. When I have more than 1 webpage open, IE8 keeps automatically taking me to updated pages.
For example, if I am happily working away on one webpage (eg hotmail email), but then open up another to check something else (eg google maps), but while that new page (googlemaps) is loading I go back to my original page that I was working on (hotmail email), when the new page (googlemaps) has finished loading, IE8 will automatically take me to the updated page(googlemaps) even though I may be in the middle of doing something on the original page(hotmail email). Is there any way I can turn this off?
PS, the wepage examples I have used are purely examples to hopefully make it easier than saying first page second page etc, this problem happens with every webpage I open
Open Jun 28, 2011 - 09:35 AM
open, reloading, Updating, Pages, IE8, Internet Explorer 8
Jul 06, 2011 - 02:39 PM
Dude Its the property of every browser.Whenever the page loads completed then it automatically opens/shows to the user.
What you can do is to install some other browser and test the same.what you can do is you can open one site eg. hotmail in IE8 and googlemap in Chrome.
Mar 31, 2012 - 10:40 AM
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