HD audio to HDTV
I have a 9 pin spdif header on my motherboard that I need to find out where to connect to to get HD audio from my dvi/hdmi adapter of my NVidia GTX 260 to my HDTV. My motherboard is a MB.SBP01.001 in a Acer G7710 and there is no service/owners manual that explains the pinout to connect an spdif cable from my motherboard for HD audio to my GTX 260.It shows it in the user guide as the name JSPI1 but it does not show the pinout. I already know how to, and have the cable to hook it up to my GTX 260 but do not know where to hook it up to on the motherboard. If anyone has a pictured diagram of this pinout I would surely appreciate it. I have noticed that other service manuals for other models do give you this information but somehow it was left out of the G7710 owners and service manual.
Please help,
Thank you,
Open Jul 21, 2011 - 04:18 PM
Acer, Header, nvidia, SPDIF
Jul 22, 2011 - 03:00 PM
I have a 9 pin spdif header on my motherboard that I need to find out where to connect to to get HD audio from my dvi/hdmi adapter of my NVidia GTX 260 to my HDTV. My motherboard is a MB.SBP01.001 in a Acer G7710 and there is no service/owners manual that explains the pinout to connect an spdif cable from my motherboard for HD audio to my GTX 260.It shows it in the user guide as the name JSPI1 but it does not show the pinout. I already know how to, and have the cable to hook it up to my GTX 260 but do not know where to hook it up to on the motherboard. If anyone has a pictured diagram of this pinout I would surely appreciate it. I have noticed that other service manuals for other models do give you this information but somehow it was left out of the G7710 owners and service manual.
Please help,
Thank you,
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