The low of distribution in Boolean algebra
I have a question regarding the distribution law in Boolean algebra.
What is the general form of the law of distribution.
For example, what would be the rule for the following compound sentence and what would the resulting sentence look like after applaying the rule:
A1.......C3 variables that can be assignet only two values "True"/"False"
The answer would be very much appreciated.
Open Aug 22, 2011 - 07:12 AM
Logic, Boolean algebra, MATHS
Feb 09, 2012 - 12:16 AM
The distributive property applies to both and and or operations. To summarize:
a | (b & c) === (a | b) & (a | c) /// distribution on |
a & (b | c) === (a & b) | (a & c) /// distribution on &
Your example requires multiple distributions. Algebraic substitution with a => x,y on the first example yields the following result:
(a=(x & y)) | (b & c) === (x&y | b) & (x&y | c)
=== (b | x)&(b | y)&(c | x)&(c | y)
expanding this thinking yields:
(abc)|(xyz) ===>>
(a|x)&(a|y)&(a|z) &
(b|x)&(b|y)&(b|z) &
(c|x)&(c|y)&(c|z) &
now if we want to distribute (i|j|k) on the result, we would then need to grind through each or term. Taking a
small snap-shop as follows:
(i|j|k)&(a|x) ===>>
Further expansion blows up pretty big.
Mar 31, 2012 - 10:38 AM
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