Send an email alert to each user of the php application based on criteria
The hosted php application has a mysql database. The following conditions must be true to trigger the email notice at a specific time. I'm using general terms to get the idea across.
1. the initial "form" must be approved; form A baseline "0"
2. the "form" must be less than 100%;
3. the previous "form" must be approved; form B revisions "1,2,3..."
All three of these conditions are fields in the database.
A cutoff deadline date is set for each record for instance day 20, which could be any month.
The event is triggered when the all of the above conditions are true and 7 days prior to the cutoff day an email notice is sent to all records meeting the conditions. In this example the email will go out on day 13 each month until a false condition exists.
Open May 14, 2012 - 07:33 AM
PHP, mysql, email event trigger
Apr 09, 2013 - 05:25 AM
I need to email my websites members easily based on certain criteria in the mysql database.For example:email all females that are over 25 years old (assuming these variables are stored in the database)I have installed and looked at phplist which seems great but I can't work out how toautomatically add members to it when they sign up to my site and how to email based on criteria.If theres a better way of doing it other than using something like phplist please let me know. I would like to be able
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