Windows xp machine slows down when connecting to the internet through dialup
I have a windows xp machine that works fine when I am not using dial up, but once connected through dialup the machine takes serveral minutes to do anything. Just bringing up a browser will take up to 10 minutes. However the very second I disconnect from the internet everything goes back to normal and I can use my machine again. I have also discovered that if I open the browser first then connect to the internet, I can surf, but I can't bring up another window or open any other programs without waiting for serveral minutes. Has anyone encountered this issue. I have checked in msconfig and looked at the task manager to see if anything looks suspicious, but I haven't found anything. I have installed avg spybot and will soon install superantispyware to see if it can find anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am thinking about unistalling and reinstalling the networking/dialup components to see if that would help. Any thoughts.
Open Sep 11, 2007 - 12:09 AM
information technology
Sep 21, 2007 - 09:17 AM
Usually what I see that really slows a computer down are windows updates errors. Startup your computer in safe mode and rename the %windir%\softwareDistribution to %windir%\softwaredistribution.old and then restart your computer and go to windows update.
Mar 04, 2009 - 05:57 AM
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The Quomon Team
May 13, 2010 - 06:33 AM
You can as well try another web browser.Good luck
Dec 24, 2010 - 04:04 AM
It seems your computer can be faster if you clean registry, so I try the tuneup360. It is not free, but it will give a free license if I agree to do a customer survey. I do feel my computer runs faster after that. Do you guys have any recommendation?
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