what is the difference between javascraipt and ASP?
i want the difference between ASP and JavaScript with eight to ten points.
Open Oct 11, 2008 - 03:14 AM
Web Design, JavaScript
Mar 06, 2009 - 04:17 AM
There are lots of differences, but one of them is the key: ASP is a server-side scripting language, while JavaScript is a browser-side scripting language.
ASP is executed by the server, therefore it is allowed to process HTTP request headers (cookies, web page referer, user agent string and other personal info sent by the browser at the moment of the request, etc.), connect to databases and operate on them, read or write to log files and a lot more, even run some programs on the server. So it can generate Dynamic HTML content and serve it to the user's browser. A login page, for example, requires a server-side script (in ASP, PHP...) to check the validity of login and password (fixed text, info from a database...) and generate the appropiate HTML content.
JavaScript, on the other hand, has a limited access to HTTP headers and cannot do anything that should be done on the server side (since it operates on the visitor's browser). It can, however, respond to user actions over the webpage the server has generated, and interact with it (the server has told the browser which options are available to the user and what should it do in response to the actions from the user). Javascript is much more limited, but it provides the tools to extend the behavior of the web page when the server has finished processing and lost control over it.
AJAX is a way to call for server interaction within JavaScript, so a totally interactive website is achieved by closing the circle.
May 29, 2012 - 07:51 PM
Javascript is a scripting language which run in the browser and it is regard as the client side while asp.net run on the server side and is a framework for running web application and is known as the server side if you are processing a data that you do not want user to have access to what you are doing.
Sep 04, 2013 - 12:20 AM
ASP is a programming language that is published to take place at the server part and produce text results to the customer. Javascript is a development terminology that is published to perform projects client part while the customer is still on the page. They are both full fledged programming language. Normally Javascript is used together with a server part programming language.
Dec 17, 2014 - 03:54 AM
javascript is a client-side scripting language which can be used by ASP.But this ASP has loose popularity as compared to ASP.NET.Javascript is mostly used on a client's computer and it provide more interactive environment to the user.
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