
Jan 10, 2013 - 09:55 PM

Jan 11, 2013 - 02:12 AM
The first thing is that you should describe your item clearly and completely. Check the ISBN, UPC or product number and make sure that ALL details match with what is listed on Amazon website.
Make sure that your price is reasonable. You cannot expect to sell an item in the price that you originally bought it. For books I would say you may expect getting 20-30% of original price. However it varies from book to book. Sometimes a book is really rare that you can sell it for double the price that you originally bought it and sometimes you should reduce your price a lot.
Make sure to check your items and see if your item is the lowest price or not. For the beginning you should probably expect little money and as time passes by you get more feedback from people and hence you can expect selling more items with better price.
you as a seller since changes cost time. When changes are made, they tend to stick and sellers
can adjust. Here are more tips for Selling on Amazon which help you to increase sell on amazon.

Jan 11, 2013 - 10:10 AM
Yes i am a user of ebay and i regularly sell thing on ebay and amazon.
I found selling on amazon better than ebay.

Jan 25, 2013 - 08:42 AM
Actually i think eBay is better for me.Spend at least a few hours a week browsing eBay, looking at auctions of successful eBay sellers.Join eBay groups. These members are helpful, and you will learn a lot about what you're selling.Visit eBay's blog section. Start networking. Share your stories, questions, etc.You can try izzonet and know more tips for successful selling on ebay.
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