How do I make sure that credit cards dont charge people twice if my user hits the back button?
I am looking to create a checkout process for my web application where the person inserts their financial information and then checks out where I will clear the credit card. My concern is that after they get their confirmation page, they will be able to click the browser's "Back" button and then it will allow them to click "Submit" again and I will be double charging them. Is there any great solution out there for this possibility?
Open Aug 11, 2006 - 01:44 PM
web development, Web Design, asp, check out, back button, Verisign
Aug 18, 2006 - 08:17 PM
What payment processing system are you using? Verisign Pay Flow Pro has an undocumented feature that you can call tech support to turn on the allows you to assign a unique number to the transaction ahead of time and they will not process a transaction with that number twice. I think they call it "duplicate detection".
Otherwise you may consider doing something similar in your app: Create a unique ID, put it in a hidden field on the form, write it to the database on submit, but check first to see if it has been written to the database before you actually run the credit card.
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