Do search engines have problems if the content of my index page is contained in an include file?
My default.asp page actually doesnt hold any html content itself, but just includes another file in a subfolder called index.asp, do web crawlers have a problem reading these kinds of pages? I have noticed that my home page isnt shown anywhere in Google and starting to worry that the way this is built is keeping me from being listed.
Open Sep 04, 2006 - 10:03 AM
web development, web crawlers, google, search engine optimization, asp
Sep 04, 2006 - 06:06 PM
If you include one asp file in another all that is happening is that the server is interpreting the two files together before sending the output html to the users browser. So it shouldn't have any influence on search engines or anything.
If you redirect from your home page immediately to another, this might be a problem, at least it was in the "earlier" search engine days since a practice like this was considered to be a way to try to trick the user into another page.
Hope this helps...
Sep 05, 2006 - 09:07 AM
The answer is not at all. You may use as many include files as you want on the server side and google will be able to read your content perfectly.
In fact, Google will not even know that the server includes were used at all, since it happens inside the server before the page is output. Google only sees the final output.
A good rule of thumb is that if you open the page in a web browser and can view the content in the document source, then Google will also be able to view that content.
Sep 05, 2006 - 09:09 AM
Thanks guys, this is a lot of help.
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