How do I target a form text box when my page loads so the cursor is there at the start?
I have a page that has a username and password login, and I would like to have it so when the page loads the username text area is highlighted and the user can start typing text there right away without having to click in it. How is that accomplished?
Open Sep 05, 2006 - 10:41 AM
web development, Text Areas, target
Sep 05, 2006 - 07:17 PM
In your section add the script
where "txtName" is the value in the name attribute of your text box.
and in your tag add
Hope this helps!
Sep 08, 2006 - 07:51 AM
I imagine that you either have a cms or a complex page, so an easier trick is to append a javascript to the very bottom of the page, something like this:
You will need to replace the text 'username' with the actual name of the your username input.
For a very simple working example, just save this below as a html file and load it in your local browser. Notice the location of the script after the body close and before the close of the html tag.
Oct 04, 2006 - 11:07 AM
Thanks guys, huge help.
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