Sep 06, 2006 - 10:59 AM
can you pls clarify what exactly you mean by focusing on UI?
Sep 06, 2006 - 11:14 AM
DHTML is an acronym for Dynamic HTML. Dynamic HTML is a combination of javascript and the document object model that enables you to make a html page react and change to a users actions. This is the technology that makes user interfaces possible, because it lets the user interact with the page. This could inlcude hiding or showing menus or changing one dropdown select based on what was selected in another dropdown select, or even something as complex as gmail, or the new yahoo mail beta.
But, with dhtml, you are limited to using the information already loaded into the browser, and the only way to interact with the server is to refresh the page. In order to interact with the server more quickly and load new information into the current page, ajax is often used. Ajax stands for Asynchronous XML and Javascript. You are able to create a request object inside your current page that loads in XML or often JSON (Javascript Object Notation) which allows you to get things like type ahead suggestions, or load a email in a side pane when someone clicks on it without having to refresh the page.
Most good user interfaces in the next few years will be a combination of DHTML and Ajax. The dhtml will control what happens in the browser and the Ajax will allow dynamic communication with the server so that updates can be made to a database or new information can be loaded without refreshing the page and wasting so much time recreating the page from scratch for every user action.
Nov 14, 2013 - 04:23 AM
AJAX is a selection of connected web growth techniques that are used to asynchronous web programs. DHTML is not a programming language but actually a selection of technology that are used with HTML to help make HTML more entertaining. DHTML changes the components on the websites based on the person's activities. AJAX allows the internet browser to demand certain components one at a time to be able to reduce the stress on the server and the Internet access.
Source: http://www.prolimehost.com/dedicated-...
Dec 22, 2014 - 03:03 AM
Ajax is a collection of interconnected web development techniques that are used in asynchronous kind of web application.Dhtml is a collection of technologies that are used with html to make html more interactive.
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