
Dec 20, 2006 - 06:11 AM
So, you're going to need to look at a custom validator to handle this for you:
Check out the following article for one approach to solving the problem:
It takes a little while to set up, but I've gone through it and have found it to be a fairly easy implementation and use it on a couple of my production sites.
I hope this helps you out!
Take care,

Dec 20, 2006 - 06:36 AM
I tried with a customvalidator, but that couldn't be attached to the checkboxlist either, so I made a temp solution just attaching it to another control, that had to be required as well and then validating the checkboxlist with an OnServerValidate-method.
It's a hack, but it works right now.
But this solution looks better and thas the client side as well.
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