how i can install my lap top acer comnputer i rey to install then my cd does not work on half so
acer comnputer i rey to install then my cd does not work on half so what i have to do. i treid again and again then it was not wokr my conputer get black so plkease help me with this problme.
Open Mar 08, 2007 - 04:01 AM
cd, Acer
Mar 08, 2007 - 04:20 AM
Is it a new computer? If you're still under the manufacturers initial warranty period the best would be to get them to repair it for you.
I suppose you mean install the operative system (windows xp or vista?). How come you have to do that? What happened with the computer before and do you get any error messages when you try to install it now?
Mar 08, 2007 - 04:29 AM
it is not a new computer just it was working and it was slow so i want install from the bignning then i did it when i make 2 cd on 3th it stop the computer to install. then i tried again and again my computer get black and it couldnot starte now it didnot work
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