difference between?
what is different between the function written in javascript means in .js file and function written in .asp page? specify significance of each, when i have to use either funtion ?
Open Jun 06, 2007 - 11:59 PM
JavaScript, asp, JS, Sharepoint
Jun 07, 2007 - 12:37 AM
Well for a start, they are different languages
functions in javascript is well, written using javascript. Typically used for client side processing.
functions in asp are written using vbscripting (asp) or dotnet languages (asp.net). ASP is microsoft's technology. It runs on a webserver, whereas javascript does not need to. You can run client side javascript from within ASP pages
I would say, you probably should use javascript for more simple client side processing eg like simple validation of form filling and use ASP for more server sided validation, fetching data, generating pages etc.
So depending on what u want to do in that function, pick the appropriate one.
Jun 11, 2007 - 02:08 AM
Thanks For your reply ,
It's very helpful for me.
Jun 28, 2007 - 12:31 PM
Then you should probably close this question and give the points.
Just a friendly reminder :-)
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