
Jun 15, 2007 - 10:43 PM
If so and when u do the sorting, is it on the query itself?

Jun 17, 2007 - 10:06 PM
Yes when i am using database. Actully when i am getting my search results on my page i specified the option to display prices in US Dollers, British Pound and Euro. User can sort the results based on this currency and get appropriate results. So when user selects any currency link at that time that currency value will be passed to server database through querystring (URL) and retrun the results based on that currency(I am using stored procedure at database level to retrive any value from database). So when i am using Firefox it will convert the currency from Dollers to Pound and display results based on that. But when i am using IE then it will not convet the currency from Dollers to Pound and display results in Dollers Currency only. So i think that is not problem of my code but i think it is the problem created by browser. And one more thing i am facing this problem when i get my search reasults 310 or more.
Please help me out on this this problem. I am searching sollution since so many days.

Jun 20, 2007 - 12:21 AM
When u say currency, do u store different currency values in the table?

Jun 22, 2007 - 05:28 AM

Jun 25, 2007 - 12:07 AM
But i cant post you my code. Sorry for that. My only objective is that suppose after searching avilable hotels in london,in my result page, i got 10 hotel results for London, which shows the hotle list with their prices. By default the price for that Hotels are displayed in $. Now on this page two options are there for currency, one is Pound and other is Euro. Now if i click on Euro then my all 10 hotels price should be displayed in Euro and when i click on Pound then my price should be disply in Pound. So this gives accurate results in FireFox. But when i run my site in IE then it not gives proper results. It means in IE when i get my hotel Results in $ price then when i click on Euro at that time my hotel results are not displayed in Euro price,currency is not changed.So this is happening with browsers only. So i hope you are clear with my matter. so can you help on this topic.
i am still not get the sollution of my problem.

Jun 28, 2007 - 12:26 PM
In other words - it might be that when you click on the link for Euro, the URL for the link might be invalid - could be something with the encoding of a Euro sign f.x?
Would it be possible to see the URL's for the Dollars, Pounds and Euro pages - the hyperlinks as they look in Firefox and IE?

Mar 04, 2009 - 07:45 AM
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