Why do I get the error message: The local copy of this webpage is out of date?
I have a website that I go to on which I enter data. It selects the information pertaining to my data. It used to work. Now when I hit the go back button to return to the previous page I can't get back to the original page. I tried installing WindowsXP-KB890923-x86-ENU fix which was supposed to fix the problem, but it didn't. Then I updated to IE 7 to fix it & that too failed.
Open Sep 06, 2007 - 05:28 PM
Sep 08, 2007 - 12:01 PM
Sorry but I have to disagree! It is the way the web page is designed. Think of the following scenario:
You open a web page and enter some search criteria. You then transmit this search criteria to the server and the server returns the search results. You then click on one of the search results, which opens another page in the same browser window. If you now hit the back button, the search criteria are lost and the browser can only assume that the page is out of date. If you empty your cache every time before you hit the Back key you will force the web page to reload from the server. But again, the search criteria might not be there anymore!
I would suggest to keep the page you want to go back to and open the other page in a new window or new tab.
Sep 19, 2007 - 08:25 AM
PeterNZ's right on the money IMHO, on websites that you submit data, try to avoid using the back button, instead, look for a back or previous link instead, otherwise you'll have to refresh and probably lose all your submitted criteria.
Mar 04, 2009 - 05:56 AM
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Dec 28, 2010 - 01:18 AM
There are many reasons for your internet connection slow, such as your browser and windows system are not compatible, maybe you can try a pc cleaning software to handle your problem, try tuneup360, I'm sure it can surprise you!
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