Is this possible to upload 80 different fields in web from a excel containing only minimum fields?
We are using a people soft database for storing customers information. We will have a spreadsheet containing the information of a customer where we need to upload the same in our database. The current process is that, we will enter manually all the details in people.
What i want is that, we shall create a specific spreadsheet where it will have all the customer information in a specific format. One field in that sheet needs to be updated in various text fields in people soft customer database.
Once the customer information has been updated in that spreadsheet and by clicking of a button will all the fields mentioned in that spreadsheet will get uploaded in the peoplesoft database in there respective fields?
For eg, date on which the customer is getting added into our database will get updated in their customer info screen as well as credit profile screen, But the spreadsheet will have only one field namded Date added. By clicking of a button the date added field in spreadsheet will get uploaded in both customer info screen and credit profile screen automatically. Likewise, we have around 80 fields to be updated.
Open Mar 16, 2008 - 09:09 PM
internet, Websites, Databases
Mar 17, 2008 - 10:07 AM
The short answer to your question is "yes". Bet you're glad to hear that!
The biggest problem you're going to have is writing the Business Logic around all of those 80 fields you'll need to insert, but it sounds like you already know what data needs to go where as illustrated by the date example you gave in your question.
If I were doing this task, I would write an aspx page that would read that Excel data as text, preferably CSV text. Reading the file a line at a time can be slow depending on how many records you're dealing with, but you also get the opportunity to act on each line individually which allows you to make sure that the data is exactly the way you want it prior to inserting into the database.
Since you can split the CSV into a string array, you can use pieces of the data more than once, or in a different order, etc, as long as you know the ordinal position of the data you desire.
After that, you can use the proper INSERT syntax into the PeopleSoft database and add any default or "custom" data you need at that point.
If there are specific questions, please let me know - as always, I'm available as a consultant if necessary.
Take care,
Ric Castagna
Mar 18, 2008 - 04:51 AM
Dear Ric,
Many thanks for the information.
Can you please inform me whether any software needs to be downloaded for proceeding this activity?
If possible, can you please explain me with an example, so that it would be very helpful for me to proceed further? Thanks a lot for your valuable time spending toward my question.
Mar 04, 2009 - 06:06 AM
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